Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Feb 17th

Tuesday being catch up day is putting it lightly!lol I am so tired I just got home from this morning. Me and my daughter both went to my fav shopping place and we had a blast! I got lost in my self I was having such a good time just being silly and goofy I almost forgot to follow up and hand out cards ,talk to people!lol Well I could not let that happen! So I made a few contacts and spoke with a few older ones that did not seem to interested anymore. Oh well move on and keep going I know there are some I will get to and some that need to have some time. Just as well I wouldn`t want anyone to feel like hey were pushed into something. This has to be something they want and believe in just like me. That's what it takes and that's what I want to have help change this world and that's what I will get if I keep a positive attitude and believe! Keeping this one short tonight and getting much needed calls and work done. So till tomorrow gang,here`s hoping you and yours have a wonderful evening.


Big Z and his Mom said...

"This has to be something they want and believe in just like me. That's what it takes and that's what I want to have help change this world and that's what I will get if I keep a positive attitude and believe!"

Visualize your "perfect customer" Richard. Ask for believers and world changers . . . ;-).

Tina Katz said...

Technically. everyone and anyone should have a mall, but you know it works really well when they believe in what this company is all about. It really shows and shines. We all FEEL IT< BIG TIME!!!!Don't we? Good luck with the npo from yesterday. I always put them in the boxes, but never got a response. It sounds very promising, keep on it.
Tina from ny