Monday, February 16, 2009

Feb 16th

Well Mondays are usually my catch up day because my shopping venture is closed,but my daughter is spending so time with me for the week and we went off today and just went exploring. Stopped at a few stores to look around and then went to the pier downtown and we had a great time. The best part was when we went to Starbucks and they had a donation box out for a church who is helping he homeless. Well I had an idea and I left a card in the box! Well we were maybe 20 mins ago there and I get a call from a guy at the church who just stopped by and got the donations and got my card! Wow what timing is that! So I explained for him what this is about and directed him to my website and told him to call me once he took a look and I would help him get it all going. A lot more was said but you get the point. He thanked me up and down dn I just had the biggest smile on my face it was great!!!! Well that's it I`m off to my grandparents for a nice birthday dinner for my nephew. Thanks and hope everyone had a wonderful day

1 comment:

Big Z and his Mom said...

That's a fun way to meet an NPO, Richard . . . I'm glad he was so responsive. Happy Birthday to your nephew, too. Enjoy.