Saturday, January 24, 2009

January 23

Well I told you in my last blog about the school event I was at and the flyer`s I had redone and handed out and I thought why not use these everyday? I gave out the invitations but I changed the
way I said things why not change up what I`m handing out,the invitations? Hmmm Thinking I could come up with a few different ones here and hand them all out!!!!
I simply use my printer at home to do these. Nothing fancy and nothing expensive that's not what My Power Mall is about and if I am portraying this then I need to show everyone that I am doing the same thing. People are desperate right now they are not looking at what kind of paper you are using and when you tell them how you are doing it and they see that hey yes I can do that to maybe even better lol they see you for the person you are, the person in front of them is making a difference in their life and helping out many others at the same time. That says it all right there.
So I am going to make up some more flyers, ones for businesses, how to help your non-profit, and see where I can go with this. I will let you all know how it does. Just remember keep trying something new work with everybody not just one group give everyone the chance to be a World Changer! They deserve it!


Big Z and his Mom said...

Hey Richard,

You're rockin' and it's so awesome to hear from you on the calls. Ginny read your last blog posting yesterday morning on the call since you weren't able to be there. Your excitement and passion came through in her voice and it was really, really cool. Shortly thereafter, as she was adding ideas, Jacki chimed in and mentioned what she told you last night on the call --- to use the rebate offers in the back office because you are a WORLD CHANGER as another means of supporting the causes you're working with.

I know you're busy these days, but ever consider writing a new song about My Power Mall that shares that FEELING you've got right now? If not, I know it's there and we'll all be glad to hear it!



Tina Katz said...

Big Z and his mom, Awesome idea about a song. Richard you should. The soul of the World Changer Reality boot camp. I bet you can capture that. Just make sure I can dance to it. You are amazing.
Tina from ny