Thursday, January 22, 2009

January 22nd

Well to say that I am tired is putting it mildly. I`m exhausted!!! I just got home from the school event I was at and it was great!!!! I made special flyer's and we had a table it was so awesome!!! People were coming to me!!!! I love this and this was a small event I can not imagine what the big ones are going to be like. Wow they were coming to me and asking what it was all about and I told them a new and exciting way for you to raise money for your school, a charity of your choice and yourself!!! They loved it and so did I!!! It was way to much to get contact information from everyone but they have mine on the flyer. I will be making a spreadsheet for the next event so they can write their contact info down with out me having to. I really didn`t know what to expect but now I do and I will be better prepared each and every time I go.
Also got a call from the other school from last week that the meeting was cancelled and got that reset for the 27th next week! This is a major school in my county and I am so excited to get them on board. YESSSSSSSS!
So the next event that is planned for now is on the 30th and it`s a bigger event. Oh this is so awesome. I can not wait to get this ball rolling and show these schools that there is a new way we are fund raising these days! YEEEEHAAAAA!!!!!!

I did miss you all on the call today and I was thinking of you the whole time I was there. I wish you all could have seen it. Maybe one day when I am more situated and have my feet set in firm I can video one of the events and how it is happening. That would be really cool.
Ok goodnight and I will be on the call tomorrow for sure!


bestblinddate said...

Wow Richard, could you have a better day? That is so great. I am very proud of you!!!!

Ginny Dye said...

Congratulations Richard!! One way to get their information is to just have cards they can fill out and drop into a fish bowl - maybe offer a prize of some kind. :)

GREAT WORK!! Is this the same man who, 7 weeks ago, walked around all day trying to figure out how he was going to talk to someone? :)

Anonymous said...

Way to go Richard! I have been following all of you since the beginning and I am so pumped after reading your daily posts! If you can do it WE CAN ALL DO IT! You made no bones about your feelings in the beginning and I was nervous just knowing you were nervous! lol! I am sooooo proud of you and for you! Way to go! Angelisa