Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 21st

I can not believe I missed the call tonight! Most of all I missed hearing all your voices:) I had one busy day today and I still am not done. I have been working my but off and when I remembered the call it was 9:00, too late. So I got to the computer as fast as I could to write this blog.
It seems as though the hours in the day go by like minutes when you are busy. Sometimes I wish they would slow down. I have been working a few different things since my accident and I have not let any one thing go as of yet(maybe I need to) but I have to bring in the money to pay the bills while I am doing this like so many of you. Unfortunately I went for another MRI and I still have problems in my neck that just are like a pest and will not go away so working like I used to is not going to happen for now and soon I won`t have to. I have been talking with who ever will listen and who ever is interested and I have learned that the one thing I do not want to waste time on is someone who is unreceptive. This may seem harsh but if you get it you get it and if you don`t you just don`t right now and it`s not my job to make sure that happens. My job is to spread the word about My Power Mall not to make people see the light. That is never going to happen. I am concentrating on everyone and everything there is no just npo`s or just making contacts,or just businesses. It`s where ever I am I will talk with who ever it is. By talking I mean making friends,building a relationship. Yes I might get the person who see`s it right then and there but for the ones who don`t or have been prayed on by others, well they deserve to know who I am who this company is and what we are all about and I am going to give them that. It is going to take time and it is going to take a little bit every day. This is not a one time thing this isn`t boot camp is done so I am. This is my life! This is what I am here to do for the rest of it! I am a world changer and that is something I am proud of! Keep pushing is what I hear so often but really when you think of it what is the alternative? If I quit pushing forward in anything in my life I have given up and will not move forward or be happy like I so strive to be. I will be happy with my life. I may not have made the best decisions in the past but that`s just it they are gone and the only thing I can control is what lies ahead of me.
Sorry for the motivational speech but when I see all that I have done and see my calender with dates on it that is part of what I have set out to do it is more than happiness that I can describe. It is something much more then that.
I have been thinking again I know oh boy here he goes again!lol All of the wonderful people out there following these blogs. They see what is happening, they see what a difference MY Power Mall has made in our lives in the lives of others we have touched. That's World Changing!
Hopefully I will be able to make the morning call tomorrow because I have to be at a school at 6:30pm tomorrow and being the call for me is at 11:00am my time it is going to be difficult. I will update you all on how the school thing goes. thank you for reading and have a safe and pleasant night.
Richard D

1 comment:

Big Z and his Mom said...

Way to go, Richard. Give us motivational talk any ol' time you like ;-).