Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 20th

I just got an email from an alternate and I was so moved by it that I just want to first say thank you all for following us and cheering us on.
This race is far from over, to me it has just begun. I have learned so much from this experience and
I will take what I have learned and keep applying it to my everyday life. I will keep making relationships and sharing My Power Mall with every new person I meet.
I spent my day shopping for items on my Ebay store. There are so many people there some just for the great deals and others that are doing the same as me. I have predisposed candidates that already have an entrepreneur life style right? So yes I share it with everyone I meet and some will get it and some won`t but I will keep going because I believe in My Power Mall with all my heart and that is what it is going to take for anyone to really get it. You have to believe in whatever you are doing and you can bet that someone believes in you!
It is getting really cold here for the next couple of days at least and I know some of you are dealing with much worse for much longer time periods then me down here in Florida but I `m just not used to it I guess. So tomorrow I will bundle up and go out and meet with businesses. I plan on speaking with the first person I see, then try and speak with a decision maker but either way my goal is to get them to the website and get their contact information not take to much of their time and be considerate that they are in a working atmosphere. I plan on building trust this way and to show them I really care about their business and helping our community. That's why I am doing this but you have to show that to someone before they will see you for what you are.
Good night to you all and take care of yourselves out there...Finish Strong!

1 comment:

Big Z and his Mom said...

Thank you very much for sharing the email that you received from the alternate Boot Camper in NY. That was really, really cool. He's right on, for sure. Enjoy.