Friday, February 27, 2009

Feb 27th

Been a few days since I have blogged. I want to say thank you for all the birthday wishes! It really does say something when you hear from people across this country and even further. Wow what remarkable people we have in this world. In all our hussle and bussle we see alot of what is wrong with our world and not enough of what is right. Little things do matter and it is what makes us great people. With that in mind I want o share a story with you. One day last week or 2 weeks ago now, I was walking back home from the bus stop and seen an elderly man sitting in his chair in front of his house. Now I could of walked right by and said nothing but I chose not to I said hello nd how are you doing. Well I got a wave ande some words that I could not understand but I knew what they were and then as I continued on I heard the man calling me back. I walked up and said yes sir. Well he had just cut down this small tree that as dieing in his front yard and you could see the trash can was about full of the branches but the main trunk was laying in his front yard with a hatchet in the side of it. I could tell what he wanted, the trunk in the trash. I could tell from hatchet that he had been trying to chop it in half to no avail. I picked up the trunk(it was heavy) and put it in the big trash can. I moved the trash can out of the yard and to the side or him as it was ven heavier and I told him that I would come back nd take it down the night before the trash truck was going to come and I did. You might think that this is nothing but to him it was a great deal and to me even a bigger one. Ever since I started with MPM I always remember this one saying that I heard rom Ginny countless times: You can not outgive the universe!
It`s not always about making money or signing up a world changer, it`s about giving and building relationships. Betcha I could go up and talk to that homeowner right now and have a pleasant conversation just because I cared enough to give a moment of my time and strength.
I realize this has nothing to do with giving away malls or making contacts directly but it real does in a way and I wanted to share that with each of you.
Next topic is Tennesse! Yes I am leaving on March the 9th with my daughter to go and visit my sister and her family. My daughter will be staying for 2-3 weeks and I will be staying a little longer. Eventually I will be making the actual move up there. I am both happy and sad about it but it is something that I want and need. y sister really needs my help and I really want to be there for her as she has been there for me over the years. So how does this effect me and MPM? Well thats the beauty of MPM, I can go anywhere and give away malls! and I can still maintain contacts that I have met here as well. I will be cming back to FL from time to time also so that`s good to. Well hanging it up for the night. I have a lot of thing to get in order before the 9th. Hope all is well with each and every one of you and have a wonderful weekend!!!!

1 comment:

Big Z and his Mom said...


Loved your story and would like to thank you for sharing it.

Moments like this are one of reasons that we want to refrain from a 8-5 job --- When you're tied to the clock, it's a lot more challenging to help out those friends and family when they need you the most. There are so many times that we've been able to help a friend due to my flexible schedule, and it's been wonderful for them and for us. We want this to continue and MPM gives us that opportunity.

I wish you ease in preparation for your big trip to Tennessee. I recall during the holidays that you really wished to have more family time. I hope that your time with your daughter, sister and all family is really nourishing and good. Spring time is coming, so it oughta be really beautiful, too!

Happy and safe travels to you both.